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DNA Pointer System Plus

DNA Pointer System Plus

MSSCP (Multitemperature Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism) is a novel method designed for detection of minor genetic variants underlying many diseases and conditions. The method was proven to disclose variants present in highly heterogeneous tumor tissue at the level of 1%. 
Multitemperature Single Stand Conformation Polymorphism (MSSCP) is a simple and reliable technique that can be used for detection of point mutations and larger rearrangements in nucleic acids. The technique works well for analysis of the PCR fragments of 100-350 bp in length.

Przejdz do
 Laboratorium Diagnostyki Molekularnej/Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics lub/or Laboratorium Szczepionek Rekombinowanych/Laboratory of recombinant Vaccines


Contact person: 
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Bielawski/prof. dr hab. Bogusław Szewczyk
Laboratorium Diagnostyki Molekularnej lub Laboratory of Recombinant Vaccines/Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics or Laboratory of recombinant Vaccines
Kucharczyk TE